Off Grid Photovoltaic Systems
Greece is the European Country with the most Sunny hours per year, therefore it is feasible for a residence to become fully autonomous (concerning electrical power) by installing an off-grid solar photovoltaic system.
Off-grid Photovoltaic System
Photovoltaic systems can be seperated in two big categories: On-Grid and Off-Grid Systems. The on-grid photovoltaic systems are grid-connected pv systems which can sell energy to the Grid, can exchange energy via net metering or net billing pv systems...
At the opposite corner, the off-grid systems are not connected to the grid and give energy without being connected to the grid.
An off-grid photovoltaic system consists of:
-Solar panels, which collect the solar power and convert it to DC current and DC voltage.
-Solar charger (controller), which "manage" the batteries' charging by stoping or starting the charging process depending on the charge state of the batteries.
-Batteries (storage system), which store the excess of energy in order to be used in the lack of solar energy.
-Inverter, which invert the power from DC to AC in order to electrify AC devices.
-Converter (optional), which converts DC voltage to DC for DC devices.
-Wind Turbines (optional), which collect wind power.
-Wind turbine charge controller (optional), which controls the wind energy that charges the batteries.
-Telemetry systems (optional), which send data (battery state of charge, pv yield etc.) via internet connection.
Off-grid Solar Systems with Batteries
In most cases, the off-grid solar systems contain storage system with batteries. These systems are more stable and can generate electrical power at any circumstances (even in the absence of Sun). Sometimes we use solar systems without batteries for special occasions such as water pumping systems with solar pumps.
Off-grid Photovoltaic Systems without Batteries
In certain projects we can use solar panels without batteries. For example we can use a solar drive and feed solar power to a water pump directly. The problem in that case is that we cannot use the pump when there is no solar energy (bad weather conditions, nights etc.).
When to use an off-grid solar pv system
Off-grid systems are used when someone wants to be autonomous in terms of electrical energy. Some residencies in Greece (especially in the islands) are far away from the Grid, therefore it is very expensive to be connected to the Grid. Furthermore, many clients ask us off-grid solar panels since they want to be independent (autonomous in Greek). Off-grid systems are oftenly used for electrical vehicle charging, pools, air-conditions, airbnbs etc...
For more information concerning off-grid solar systems see below:
FAQ for off-grid solar sytems.
MP-Energy No1 off-grid installer in Greece
Since 2005 MP-Energy has planned and installed literally thousands of off-grid photovoltaic solar systems in Greece.
If you are interested in off-grid solar power generation you can call us: +30 210 3217 895.

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