Net Billing Photovoltaic Systems
Residential on-grid photovoltaic systems (grid-connected) in Greece follow the net billing schema. According to Greek laws a net billing photovoltaic system can exchange energy with the Grid while selling the excess of energy during the mid-day peak-hours.
Net Billing Photovoltaic Systems in Greece
Net Billing was firstly introduced in Greece during 2024. According to net billing laws in Greece a building owner can produce energy from solar panels and use it instantly. The excess of energy can be sold to the Grid with a feed-in-tariff that varies hourly according to the demands of energy along the country (usually small tariff during mid-days and high tariff during the nights) or can be stored to batteries for use during the night, when the energy costs higher.
When to use Net Billing
Net Billing is highly recommended for buildings with high energy demands during summers. For example summer houses, buildings with high air-conditioning demands (office buildings), hotels, airbnbs, residencies with pools etc.
Net Billing with Batteries
As aforementioned, the excess of energy at a net billing photovoltaic system is sold to the Grid in low prices (since in Greece the energy costs less during the middays since we have the peak of the production of solar systems) and during the nights we buy the energy from the Grid in much higher prices.
The solution to this situation is the addition of batteries. In a net billing with batteries system the excess of solar power during the mid-days is sotred to the batteries and fed back into the building during the nights when the energy cost is much higher.
Net Billing PVs and MP-Energy
MP-Energy is a leading company in Greece since 2005 installing on-grid and off-grid photovoltaic systems (feed-in-tariff, net metering, net billing).
For any further information concerning net billing photovoltaic systems in Greece call us to +30 210 32 17 895.
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