Off Grid Solar Batteries
The most critical part of an off-grid photovoltaic solar system are batteries. Without the batteries the off-grid solar system cannot be called "off-grid". Without batteries there is not energy during times with lack of solar power.
Depending on the electrical needs and the use (daily use, weekend use, summer-time house, winter-house etc) the choice is not the same.
Off-Grid Solar Batteries
There are many types of batteries. Each battery has different characteristics, different use and different life-time.
The customer should trust an experienced solar systems engineer who should advice towards the correct selection.
VRLA 6-12V Batteries AGM-GEL
Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries are used for small-scale off-grid systems such as small summer-houses with periodical summer use only. Depending on the quality and the cost these batteries attain 600-1200 cycles at 50% depth of discharge. Typically 12V batteries range from 50Ah to 350Ah and usually are used in 12V-24V in series and in 2-3 parallelized rows.
2V Opzs-Opzv Batteries
2V batteries are PB batteries with more than 2000 cycles at 50% Depth of discharge. These batteries are used for bigger off-grid systems. Opzv batteries are gel batteries which are maintenance free. Opzs batteries need ventilation and periodical maintenance (water addition).
LiFepo4 Batteries
Lifepo4 Batteries are the most modern and effective solution for off-grid solar systems. Some years ago the prices were unattainable but from 2024 and on the prices have fallen critically. Usually in modules of 5kwh or 10kwh, lifepo4 batteries can achive more than 6000 cycles at 80-90% depth of discharge.
Lifepo4 batteries are used for demanding applications with many charging and discharging cycles and all-year use.
Off-Grid Solar Batteries and MP-Energy
MP-Energy has been installing off-grid solar systems since 2005. We always choose the best quality batteries and we suggest the best selection for every customer after thorough investigation of his electrical needs and the use of the building.
At the current time (2024) we use Northbatt 12V Batteries and Sunlight PowerESS Lifepo4 Batteries.
For any further information feel free to contact us to +302103217895.

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