Net Billing with Batteries
Net Billing systems are grid-connected photovoltaic systems which can sell energy to the Grid. Like all netting systems (net metering as well), net billing solar systems feed directly the building from the Sun while selling the excess of energy to the Grid.
Net Billing schema has been adopted in Greece during 2024. The main disadvantage of net billing is that at the time that we sell energy back to the Grid the tariff is too low since in Greece the energy is cheap during the times that the sun shines (due to the fact that we have installed too many photovoltaic solar farms without batteries). Furthermore, we buy electrical energy during the absence of Sun at very high prices.
The only solution to this problem is the addition of batteries to net billing systems.
Net Billing with Batteries
By adding batteries to a net billing system, we store the excess of energy during the sunny times and use it at the abscence of solar power.
According to this schema we do not sell the energy to the grid when the tariff is low, we store it and use it when the tariff is high.
Net Billing with Batteries or Off-Grid system?
Net billing with batteries are not off-grid systems. These systems are not supposed to operate for many hours in the abscence of grid connection. Net Billing with batteries can feed some small electrical appliances (a refrigerator, lights, mobile phone chargers etc.) for a couple of hours in the abscence of grid but cannot operate for many hours and more energy consuming devices (air condiotioning, pools, oven, laundry machine etc.).
Net Billing with Batteries and MP-energy
MP-Energy has installed literally thousand of grid-connected net metering systems iwth batteries and without batteries. Our experience is the higher in Greece. We choose the best quality equipment (Fronius Gen24 Inverters anf BYD Batteries).
For any further information concerning net billing and net billing with batteries systems do not hesitate to call us on: +302103217895.

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