Net Metering Photovoltaic Systems
Net metering solar systems are interconnected with the Public Grid for energy offsetting (self-production of energy). With a net metering solar system, the energy produced by the solar panels is deducted from the energy consumed, thus reducing the user's energy costs.
Starting in 2024, self-production can only be done with net billing systems, where the surplus energy is compensated by the provider.
In summary, with a second meter, the energy produced by the net metering solar system is measured, and it is subtracted from the energy measured by the existing consumption meter. According to Greek legislation, surplus energy in net metering is not compensated but is credited to the user for the next three years.
For new applications from October 2024 onward, only net billing systems will be available.
In contrast to feed-in tariff solar systems, in net metering systems, the offsetting of produced and consumed electricity is done on an energy basis (in kWh) rather than a "financial" basis (in €). Both types belong to the larger category of grid-connected solar systems (on-grid) internationally (as opposed to off-grid solar systems), where there is a connection to the Public Grid.
According to Greek legislation (Law on Self-Production - Ministerial Decision on Net Metering - Circulars and informational material from DEI) for net metering:
- The maximum limit is 20 kWp or half of the agreed capacity for the grid-connected system, with an upper limit of 500 kW.
- The maximum limit is 5 kWp for a single-phase meter (otherwise, an upgrade is required).
- The maximum limit is 10 kWp (maximum limit 20 kWp – half of the agreed capacity) for non-grid-connected systems (islands), except for Crete (20 kW – 50 kW upper limit).
- In the Peloponnese, Andros, Tinos, and southern Evia, the upper limit of 20 kWp was abolished (6/7/19).
- The use of batteries in net metering systems is now allowed (since 2019) to improve the synchronization of production and consumption.
- A tenant of a property can install it (or after free transfer).
- The metering and offsetting are done in each settlement bill, and the energy difference is credited to the next settlement for 3 years (since 2019).
- Multiple users can install it in a multi-apartment building.
- Each net metering solar system must correspond to ONE and only ONE meter.
- It can be installed on a roof, attic, garden, or even on a neighboring plot of land.
- Currently, only solar panels can be installed (wind turbines will be allowed soon).
- All DEI bills must be paid.
- The cost at DEI is below €400 for systems up to 55 kWp.
- Upgrades to the operating system can be made after a new application and connection offer.
- A feed-in tariff solar system can be converted to a net metering system with a new connection.
- It is NOT allowed to have more than one solar system on the same meter (e.g., a feed-in tariff solar system and a net metering system).
- There is no individual limit on the number of net metering solar systems a person can have.
- In construction site connections, net metering cannot be used because they are not considered permanent.
For any further information concerning net metering call us to +302103217895.

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